Call us at (920) 893-0782!
Little Elkhart Lake - Plymouth, WI

"Stamper" Program

"Stamper" Program

One to Nine Weeks * Boys and Girls * Ages 14 and up

Responsibility and Affordability

A great way for older campers to lengthen their stay while providing a little bit of service for Anokijig. Open to those individuals who are at least fourteen years of age. The Stamper position is a cross between camper and worker. Stampers are charged a reduced resident camp fee in exchange for performing kitchen or dining hall maintenance duties for portions of that week. Generally Stampers work one meal per day (approximately 2-3 hours) in the kitchen/dining hall doing dishes and clean-up. All Stampers can also be involved in regular camp activities with some limitations regarding Day Trip options. Other privileges may include stamper sectional activities. For those whom are interested in becoming a volunteer Jr. Staff in the future; Stamper is an opportunity to prove your abilities and dedication. Stampers can be more likely to make the transition to Junior Staff positions. Work your way to a great summer camp experience!

View our summer schedule and pricing.