An affordable Summer Camp Experience
While Anokijig is already very competetively priced against other private camps, we also offer a number of ways to make a week at camp easier on the pocketbook.
Financial Assistance
In fulfilling our mission, we want to make the life-changing camp experience available to as many people as possible.
Camperships (camper scholarships)
Each year many people, corporations, civic clubs, foundations, and trusts, choose to support the Anokijig Campership Program through direct donations and support for the Campership Campaign. These funds are used to help send as many children as possible to a week at summer resident camp.
See our Campership Opportunities page for more information and opportunities.
For more details and application information call 1-800-741-6931, reach out through our contact page or write the Anokijig office at:
Camp Anokijig
W5639 Anokijig Ln
Plymouth,WI 53073