The Anokijig Mission
New Friends, Positive Values, Personal Growth, Great Adventures, and Outrageous Fun!
Our Mission:
The Mission of Anokijig is to provide youth and families with an outdoor setting and community that is based on respectful values and dedicated to the development of positive life styles while learning new skills, experiencing personal growth, having outrageous fun, and developing an appreciation for our natural environment.
To serve this mission Camp Anokijig has adopted the concept of the 40 developmental assets as described by the Search Institute. Specifically we hope your child will get the following out of involvement in the Anokijig program.
· Campers should experience support and belonging through positive adult and peer leadership relationships.
· Campers should feel empowered through opportunities to serve others, plan, choose and lead in a safe environment.
· Campers should experience consistent boundaries and high expectations with positive peer relationships, opportunities to excel and improve, and clear rules and consequences.
· Campers should learn and experience more opportunities for constructive use of time through programs that are interesting, fun, and challenging.
· Campers should increase their desire to learn and experience new skills and activities.
· Campers should show an increased awareness and demonstration of positive character traits (values).
· Campers should increase their social competencies through positive decision making, improved friendship skills, and the ability to choose socially acceptable forms of behavior.
· Campers should increase their sense of positive self-esteem through opportunities for demonstration of achievement, recognition, and competency.
· Campers will feel physically and emotionally safe and comfortable at camp.
· Campers will have fun!
The “Anokijig Experience” is significant and enduring. It is filled with wonderful possibilities and opportunities. For youth, Anokijig is a safe haven where they can be accepted for who they are without trying to be “cool.” It is an adventure and lifestyle that they will migrate to. It is a spirit and a feeling of family. It is a force that can change lives and influence future horizons. It is powerful, loving, nurturing, and there is very little else that will compare.
Imagine what you’ve always thought a summer camp to be like and you’re probably picturing a place much like Anokijig. It is amazing and can prove to be one of the most important, enjoyable, and influential elements in a youth’s formative years. Come join us, you will love it!